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Building A Winning Business Schedule That Meets Your Needs Mama

Building a schedule for your business is essential to ensure that all tasks are completed on time and that everyone is working efficiently. A schedule can help to increase productivity, reduce stress levels, and ensure that deadlines are met. In the past, we tackled time management and staying focused, which both require the use of a schedule. Therefore in this blog, we will discuss how to build a schedule for your business that fits your needs as a mother as well.

Identify your goals, priorities and objectives

The first step in building a schedule for a business is to identify your goals, your priorities and your objectives. What do you want to achieve? What are your priorities? How much time do you want to allocate to building the business vs spending with the kids? Are the kids in school? Do they have activities you need to work around? Do you have a spouse you need to factor in? Once you have identified your goals, priorities and objectives, you can start to create a schedule that will help you achieve them.

Determine the tasks that need to be completed

Once you have identified your goals, priorities and objectives, the next step is to determine the tasks that need to be completed to achieve them. Do you need to set aside a few hours per week for recording content? Do you have to take one of your kids to piano lessons? Do you have to have supper on the table at the same time everyday? That last one is not to be judgmental at all, even I as a single mother, insist on supper being on the table by 5:30pm everyday. Make a list of all the tasks that need to be completed per month, per week and per day, and then prioritize them based on their importance and urgency.

Assign tasks to team members

After you have determined the tasks that need to be completed, the next step is to assign them to team members, if you have any. This can also apply to family members pitching in for tasks that need to be done around the house. Consider each team member's strengths and weaknesses and assign tasks accordingly. Make sure that each team member has a clear understanding of their responsibilities and deadlines.

Create a timeline

Once you have assigned tasks to team members, the next step is to create a timeline. Start by identifying the deadline for each task and work backward to determine when each task needs to be started. An example of this is if I want my Parenting in Web3 episodes to go out on Tuesday mornings like they normally do, even with me switching the medium for it, I need to schedule in time to record it a couple days prior and schedule in time as well to edit it. Make sure that you allow enough time for each task to be completed and build in some buffer time for unexpected delays, because as we all know, there's almost always delays when it comes to kids.

Use scheduling tools

There are many scheduling tools available that can help you to create and manage a schedule for your business. The one I use and love is Notion. It not only allows me to create a schedule that works for my particular needs, but it allows me to track the progress of a particular task, so I know what still needs to be done at all times. It even allows me to share the schedule with team members as needed, so that they know what is assigned to them and where it is in the timeline and progress report. Notion also allowed me to see where my schedule just wasn't working for me/fitting and made it easy to move things around as needed. There are other tools, but this one is my personal favorite and is actually widely used by people who work from home/remote. Whichever tool you choose however, can help you to track progress, manage deadlines, and communicate with team members.

Review and adjust the schedule

Building a schedule for a business is not a one-time activity. It is important to review and adjust the schedule regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. Because after all, those soccer practices don't last all year, and in the summer you might spend more time gardening. But let's also not forget that not all business assets (ie podcast, vlog, blog series..etc) need to run forever or are a sure thing. Sometimes they are only meant to be factored in temporarily. Other times, though you intended to make them last longer, they are not performing, so you have to make the decision to use the time scheduled for them for something that will prove to be more productive. Make sure to communicate any changes to team members and adjust deadlines accordingly.

I have recently made changes to my schedule for building out the Decentral Mamas and Elpeeda Academy. I will be publishing these changes very soon, as examples, but also for my community, as I always strive for transparency.

Building a schedule for a business is essential to ensure that all tasks are completed on time and that everyone is working efficiently. By following these steps, you can create a schedule that will help you achieve your goals, increase productivity, and reduce stress levels, all while fitting your unique needs as a mama. Remember to regularly review and adjust the schedule to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.


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