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Earning Respect and Success in Business and Motherhood

Hello to all you amazing supermoms out there! With the release of the mint, it had been a couple weeks since I wrote a piece. But I am happy to be back! Today, I want to share my journey of balancing the beautifully chaotic world of motherhood and entrepreneurship. Grab a cuppa (we know you need it) and let's dive into a world where 'momlife' rhymes with 'bosslife'! Let's shatter that glass ceiling together while holding on to our kids for dear life (sometimes literally).

Kiss "Impostor Syndrome" Goodbye

Ladies, it's time we acknowledge our awesomeness! It's no secret that we often end up feeling like an impostor when it comes to tackling our business dreams. But let's remember that we're already running a highly successful organization called 'our home'. And let's be real, that's the toughest one to run sometimes. Those tower-of-diapers implosions, toy landmines, and toddler tantrums have nothing on us! As moms, we inherently have a knack for patience, perseverance, and multitasking, which makes us suitable candidates for running our own businesses. Embrace your uncertainties and remember, you're the boss of your life and choices!

Create a Strong Support System

Behind every successful working mom is a tribe of other supportive and loving people. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your partner (if you have one), friends, and family. And definitely reach out to us ladies in the Decentral Mamas Geneva group, it's completely free and will always be. We're here to support you! Entrepreneurs typically work long hours and need trustworthy collaborators to provide emotional and logistical support. A strong support system will help you maintain balance in your personal and professional endeavors, ensuring that you receive the respect and credibility you deserve as a mom and business owner.

Take Pride in Your "Mompreneur" Status

Your experience and skills as a mother should be considered an asset in your business ventures. Fun fact: many successful entrepreneurs credit their parenting experience as vital to their success. Juggling a business and motherhood makes you a master of time management, communication, and resilience. Celebrate your dual role and don't be shy to showcase it on your website, business cards or social media profiles. Give props to that little voice that says you CAN wear that superhero cape while closing deals and changing diapers!

Establish Boundaries and Guard Your Time

As moms, we often wear multiple hats, which can make it hard for others (and ourselves) to take our work seriously. Set boundaries between your work and personal life by clearly defining your working hours and workspace, and stick to them! Admittedly this is one I still have to work on myself, so I understand the struggle. But this will help your family, friends, and clients understand when you're in "boss mode". By valuing your own time, others are more likely to recognize the seriousness and dedication you have towards your business.

Work on Your Personal and Professional Growth

Continuous learning and growth are crucial aspects of achieving success and earning respect in any field. Develop your skills, attend relevant workshops, or take online courses to stay up-to-date in your industry. I mean it. I am constantly taking new courses, because as much as I think I know, I can still learn more, which allows me to bring even more value back to my community. So surround yourself with likeminded individuals by joining networking groups, attending relevant events, or engaging in online communities with fellow entrepreneurs. By investing in yourself, you're signaling to the world that you're dedicated to your work and your business is here to stay.

Welcome aboard the rollercoaster that is balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship! As a 'mompreneur,' you're destined to face unique challenges, but remember that your 'mom skills' can be your ultimate superpower. Focus on building a support system, establishing boundaries, and staying dedicated to continuous learning to gain the credibility and respect you deserve. It's time we change the narrative and showcase the powerful, kickass mom-bosses that we are. So go ahead, wear that superhero cape proudly and remember, the world is your playground (and your child's, of course)!


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